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Used motor oil Vs. used cooking oil as foundry fuel

Back in 2002 I made non-biased comparisons between charcoal and propane as foundry fuel. Then in 2005 I made a non-biased comparison between propane and waste oil. This is a non-biased accurate judgment about the pros and cons of used motor oil and used cooking oil. The beneficial attributes are in green text, while the drawbacks are in red text. - June/21/2007

Other matchups; Charcoal Vs. Propane | Propane Vs. Waste oil | oil fired furnace Vs. small cupola.

A special note since fuels often are received mixed... "Used motor oil" includes any oil taken from a motor vehicle separate or mixed in any ratios including; motor oil, transmission fluid, brake fluid, etc.. Used cooking oil includes any plant or animal based fat or oil separate or mixed in any ratio including vegetable oil, tallow, melted animal fat, melted butter, etc..

Used motor oil Vs. Used cooking oil

Used MOTOR oil
Used COOKING oil
Motor oil is a petroleum product and can pollute the atmosphere with carbon dioxide possibly adding to global warming Cooking oil is "carbon neutral" meaning that it releases no more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than the plants it's made from absorb as they grow. Balance is maintained.
Motor oil is toxic and can seriously pollute land and water if spilled on or in it. Cooking oil is edible and biodegradable. While it should not be poured out carelessly it will not destroy the environment.
Used motor oil is easier to ignite (possibly because it may contain some gasoline) and produces a little more heat when burning. Used cooking oil is harder to ignite and keep burning. It also produces slightly less heat when burned.
Used motor oil is considered a toxic waste by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) so if you spill it while collecting it you could be held liable legally for cleanup costs. Used cooking oil is not regulated as a toxic waste.
Smoke from used motor oil smells like a poorly running truck or other vehicle and could cause cancer with enough exposure. But can't ANY smoke cause it? Cigarette smoke does also... Smoke from used cooking oil usually smells like a barbecue grill in the outdoor air. But should not be inhaled regularly.
Used motor oil can be stored for months maybe years without problems. Used cooking oil is organic and if stored too long it can become rancid and fungi can begin growing in it.
When it comes to waste oil as a fuel there is little difference between motor oil and cooking oil. The results are about the same. The toxicity of used motor oil and the renewable energy aspects of cooking oil are the only major issues. So make your own decision.


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This site was created Sept. 28, 2000